1.  Preparation

The battery is filled with acid and is charged and ready for use. The acid density is 1.28 ± 0.01 kg/l, the voltage between the terminals is -12.5 V (for 6V batteries 6.2 – 6.4V) at 25°C..

2. Storage and transportation

Store in a dry, cool place. The battery must be recharged if the acid density is below 1.21 kg/l or the voltage is 12.4V (for 6V battery – 6.2V). Keep the battery in horizontal position. During transportation it should be placed in a way that it cannot fall over. The protective cover of the positive terminal of the battery should only be removed when the battery is securely installed in a car, just before it is connected to the vehicle’s electrical system. After the protective cover is removed from the new battery, place it on the old battery’s positive terminal. This action will prevent any short circuits.

3. Installation in the car

If car or additional electrical equipment (audio equipment, alarms, communications equipment) manufacturers do not pose any special conditions, then:

  • Turn off the engine and any devices that use electricity.
  • If using metal tools, be careful to avoid short circuits.
  • First disconnect the negative terminal clamp, then the positive terminal clamp.
  • Loosen and remove the battery holder.
  • Remove the old battery and install a new one.
  • Screw the battery holder back and tighten it so that the battery does not move and sits securely in its place.
  • Clean lead oxide and dirt off the battery terminals and cable clamps and apply a special grease (ask your battery dealer if you are not sure what grease to use).
  • First connect the positive terminal clamp, then the negative one. Make sure you secure them safely.
  • If the old battery has complementary parts (pole lid, elbow, holders, plugs etc.), remove them from the old battery and, if necessary, mount to the new one.
  • Leave at least one vent open (this also applies to the old battery).

4. Charging

  • Disconnect and remove the battery from the car.
  • Do not recharge the battery in residential premises or close to potential fire hazards.
  • The premises must be well ventilated; the temperature not lower than 10°C.
  • Use only the dedicated DC chargers. Carefully read the charger manufacturer’s recommendations and follow them.
  • Connect a positive pole of the battery to the positive output terminal and a negative pole – to the negative output terminal of the charger.
  • Switch on the charger only after the battery is connected and switch off after charging and before disconnecting the battery.
  • The recommended charging current (amps, A): 1/10 of the battery capacity (Ah).
  • If the acid temperature rises above 55°C or voltage is more than 16.3V (for 6V batteries – 8.1V), lower the charging current.
  • Completely depleted battery should be charged not less than 20 hours. Sometimes the recharging process could take up to two days.
  • Fully charged battery acid density is 1.28+ 0.01 kg/l and the voltage between the terminals – 12.6V at 25°C, right after disconnecing the charger – 14 to 14.2V (for 6V batteries – 6.3V).
  • The battery is fully charged when the acid density and charging voltage do not increase for over two hours.
  • Check the electrolyte level and, if necessary, add distilled water. Never add acid or electrolyte. The electrolyte is added during the manufacturing process and does not require “reinforcement” thoughout the whole battery life.

5. Maintenance

  • The battery must be clean and dry.
  • Regularly check the electrolyte level in the battery sections and, if necessary, add distilled water. The electrolyte level must be 10 mm above the lead elements. If the water has to be added too often and in large volumes, check the alternator voltage relay.
  • The vehicle’s battery charging equipment must work well. When the engine is running the voltage on the connected battery poles must be between 13.9V to 14.4V (for 6V batteries – from 6.9V to 7.3V for 24V systems – from 27.6V to 29.2V), regardless of whether additional electric eqipment is on or off (glass heating, air conditioner, audio equipment etc.).
  • Do not leave the battery discharged, charge it immediately. When a battery is deeply discharged, the active substance contained in lead plates starts to decompose. This process is irreversible, the battery quickly loses capacity and power.
  • Do not use any additional chemicals or so-called “enhancers”.
  • If the electrolyte density is lower than 1.21 kg/l or lower voltage than 12.3V (for 6V batteries less than 6.15V), make sure to recharge the battery.
  • Do not leave uncharged battery in the cold. A battery with a voltage of 12V (for 6V battery – 6V) and the electrolyte density – 1.140 kg/l, freezes at -15°C, even more discharged battery can freeze at -10°C. The formation of ice crystals destroys the lead plate’s active mass.
  • Do not leave the vehicle unused for more than 15 days with the alarm activated.
  • Do not leave the car with unnecessary power consuming devices switched on. E.g. the headlights left on will drain the 55AH battery within 4-6 h.
  • In case a battery is discharged to the extent that the vehicle cannot start, the battery should be recharged with a stationary charger (vehicle alternator will not fully recharge it).

6. Jump starting a vehicle

  • Use only specially designed jumper cables.
  • Both cars’ electrical systems must be of the same voltage.
  • Both cars’ engines must be turned off.
  • Connect both batteries’positive terminals with one cable. Use another cord to connect the helping car’s battery’s negative terminal to another car’s body so that it makes contact with the bare metal not far away from the battery. Attemt to start the car. Every attemt should be no longer than 15 seconds.
  • Disconnect the jumper cables in the reverse order.

7.  A battery not in use

  • Fully charge the battery and store it in a dry, cool place (at a temperature of 0°C self-discharge does not occur). If you leave the battery in a car, disconnect the negative terminal.
  • Check the battery every 3 months and recharge if necessary (see par.4). The battery that is not in use can lose up to 1% of its capacity a day and it is not considered a factory defect.